Wednesday 8 April 2009


finally got my collector's edition of OK Computer in the post 2day, as well as the Jigsaw Falling Into Place CD single.

went out earlier and did a spot of shopping at Lidl, got a few bits, but mainly I needed AA batteries for my doorbell and comfy shoe insoles which i got.

resting my feet today after overdoing it with my boots yesterday, I've put insoles in them now to protect my feet a bit more :)

Mummy mini-marathon 3

Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Not a bad movie, but not as slick or epic as the first two. It all seems a little smaller somehow, smaller sets, smaller scale, smaller risks. It also seems that someone has been reading The Book of the War, specifically The Red Burial. Still it's better than a lot of movies made that year or any other year and taken on its own merits it's quite an acceptable littoe action comedy adventure. There's a little in-joke regarding the recasting of Evy and Rick does not look old enough to be the father of his son. If they decide to make a 4th movie I'll watch it :)

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Mummy mini-marathon 2

The Mummy Returns

This film attempts to do two things, firstly it tells the story of the end of the Scorpion King, his final battle and ultimate defeat and his decent into evil as the slave of Anubis. Secondly it's a greatest hits package of the first movie, with everything that was good about the first one done better and bigger, and yet it still fails to capture the unique essence of the first movie. Perhaps its the pace of the movie as it alternates from breakjneck quest to deathly slow flashbacks? Maybe it's the guest cast who all seem to be having a competition to see who can go the most OTT in the evil stakes. Thirdly it could be the dodgy CGI Rock at the end, it looked bad when it was first released and even worse today. Apart from that it's a pretty pleasant movie and better than the two prequels. As for the next movie...

Mummy mini-marathon

just a light break after watching Hi-De-Hi! and before starting on Dad's Army.

The Mummy
A scariier than thou remake of the original foot shuffling epic. There's guys, guys with guns, guys with guns and horses and guys with swords, horses and guns. Rick's one sexy action hunk too, mixing the classic Hollywood leading man zing with yummy good looks and the scary evil bad Mummy is nasty, scarey and evil and oddly Italianesque for an Egyptian high priest. The special effects are wonderful and hold up perfectly well ten years later, epecially the rain of fire sequences.

my boots arrived...

...and I'm wearing them now :) The heel's a little bigger than what I'm used to but give me a few months wearing them and I think I might get used to them :)

MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown