I like to cook and I like to cook curries a lot. I have a simple recipie that works for just about any curry, only the ingredients change. I generally either make a vegetable curry or a minced beef curry. I'm very superstitious about chicken and turkey and I generally don't eat pork at all. I have tried a couple of diced beef curries in the past but I prefer using mince for sheer ease.
Basic method
Take your meat and vegetables, chop up your vegetables and set aside. Brown/seal the meat in veggie oil, adding a little seasoning to meat before sealing if you want a little extra pep. Then add the vegetables and cook them until they go all floppy. (I'm not an expert with all the trendy buzz words). If doing a vegetable curry I tend to use a whole extra onion and sweet pepper to make up for the lack of meat. Then open your jar of curry sauce and add it to the pan, stir it in well, season if you want to and then turn the heat down low and let it simmer for a while until it's reduced a bit and it's not too runny and eeky. Serve with microchips, I hate cooking rice so I never bother unless I really have to.
That recipie covers my whole style of cooking, you can replace curry sauce with bolognase sauce and serve with pasta, or a chili sauce and serve with tortillas. I'm not a fancy chef, I like cooking good simple foods that I know work and taste nice.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
New Bedding
I bought some books today
The black cover versions of Lords and Ladies, Maskerade and Carpe Jugulum, all by Terry Pratchett. They're all apart of the Witches of Lancre subset of the Discworld novels, although I still need Wyrd Sisters and Equal Rites to get them all, but I'm in no hurry, they were on offer and I'm going to donate my old copies to my friend Mandy as she's interested in reading a couple.
This is one of my fave games, it's like World of Warcraft but free. My current character 'xdresser' is a fighter (I normally play mages or assassins) and she likes to wear yellow outfits and fight with a 2-handed axe. She has a pet too, KarTarr (they name them for us, unless you buy the priviledge to rename them - which I don't) There's a number of tasks to complete, solo and group tasks, which can build up quite a social network which can lead to the formation of a guild. It's a good game, lots of fun and sometimes a bit frustrating when you can't find that last quest item after an hour of looking but that can often make success all the sweeter.
Friday, 26 December 2008
I admit it I have trust issues dating way back to when I was betrayed by a former gf, looking back I should have seen the signs but like a gullible fool I ignored them. That and other things over the years have made me really suspicious of other people, apart from close family and friends I tend to view the rest of the world as 6 billion people who don't care about me. While most of them won't care one way or the other, I'm certainly no Michelle Pfieffer or Britney Spears so I guess it's understandable that I'm equally as aloof. Another thing I tend to over-compliment but I really don't like others doing the same to me, I know I shouldn't it's a real double standard. I'm also highly suspicious of meeting new people for the first time, not least because they might discover I'm a crossdresser and bisexual. I worry that people are just plain out to get me, from doorstep chuggers demanding my bank details to fake charity collection appeals (you can tell they're fake because they have a registered business number rather than a registered charity number!) and then there's the e-mail scammers who pretend to be banks asking for your details so they can drain your accounts, or people pretending to be lawyers representing dead clients asking for your bank details so they can give you money via the net. Are there actually any people out there who can be trusted? I want to think so but sometimes I worry there's actually not :(
pink = girl
I love the colour pink and what it represtent, I like to have pink things because they mean they belong to a girl, a woman, a female, what I want to be. My latest pink acquisitions are Sissy Pig (a stuffed toy), a water bottle and a bra. I want more pink things, I have a couple of pink skirts, I used to have a great pink t-shirt until the washing machine ate it!
Why I love my tits
I consider myself more female than male, but right now the only overt female expression I have is crossdressing, although in many respects I often think of it more as simply dressing and crossdressing is when I dress up like a boy. However to the rest of the work they only see the wrong thing so to them me wearing my normal clothes is to them a man in drag, a crossdresser. That's why I love my tits, they're a constant reminder that part of me is female, men don't have them (except for certain medical conditions or guys who want them, and why not? they're great to have) and every human should have breasts imo, they feel nice, I love to play with my nipples and I love wearing bra's and seeing how my bosom looks in a mirror, I'd rather lose my sight than my tits if I'm honest. I love telling you about them right now. My boobs, knockers, bust, funbags, shirt potatoes, melons, hooters, puppies, twins, girls, titties, jugs. Of course the best part of the title is the word my, meaning mine, not someone else's, my tits are my own. I also like calling them tits, although I understand other breast owners don't like the word. They can not call their own that, but mine are mine so I can call them what I want :)
24 - Redemption
I watched this this afternoon, it's a good story, a welcome change to the uber twisty plotlines of the regular seasons. It's a simple story that's well told, the added complexity of the US politics to the African insurgency storyline adds more impact but the main focus is of course Jack Bauer, deadlier than Han Solo, sexier than Dirty Harry and more closed than all the minds in a religious cult.
Four years ago...
...a huge tidal wave made the news as it caused tragedy after tragedy all aroundthe Indian Ocean area. Suddenly a whole new generation learned the terrifying power of mother nature and over a quater of a million people died during and after the event. I'm just taking a moment out of my day to remember all those who died.
Judge Dredd
The uber-rightwing world of Judge Dredd grows closer with each passing day, how soon before we're all herded into prison-like cities patrolled by facist bullies executing all who resist their regime of oppression? As a film it's a good bit of sociel commentary, as a piece of sociel commentary it's a worrying glimpse of a future some fear and others rush towards. How different is Joe Dredd to Jack Bauer really?
The Next Doctor
Ok, that was great, 10,000% better than last year's failure, which to be fair was only massively ruined by the utter crapness of the badguy at the end. This year we got one of the big three, the Cybermen! They were at their stompy best, they still lack the menace of their earlier era though, in the new series they're more like body guards than deadly enemies most of the time. The role of chief villain goes to Miss Hartigan who dresses with style and elegance. The 'Next Doctor' sadly isn't in fact a Doctor, he's a guy who got his memories, although in a way he kind of could be thought of as the Doctor if he acts like the Doctor. The rest of the episode is like a Dickensian social commentry on the socioeconomic policies of the era, the rich upper class are all bumbling sexist fools, the working class are not much better and the slave class are seemingly there to be used and then discarded.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Post Christmas...erm...post...thing
A good day spent with family, we had fun, we ate food, I ate less than I normally would as I need to watch my weight and I want to lose some weight this year. I god some great prezzies, a DVD, a CD a new memory stick which has more storage space than my other three combined and a lot of cash to spend on girly clothes (and pay a few bills too)
I watched a couple of movies, Harry Ptter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was on, I think it's replaced Bond as the traditional ITV holiday movie and then Doctor Who, I SO want a dress like Miss Hartigan wore, and the gloves and earrings too if I'm honest.
I watched a couple of movies, Harry Ptter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was on, I think it's replaced Bond as the traditional ITV holiday movie and then Doctor Who, I SO want a dress like Miss Hartigan wore, and the gloves and earrings too if I'm honest.
Being Bi
it seems that bisexuals are a maligned species of human these days, accused of being gay by the hetero community and of being straight by the gay community. Maybe I'm over generalising but when you're called greedy by both sides it makes me upset. It seems that intolerence is rife when some members of a larger minority pick on and bully members of a much smaller minority. What is so wrong about being attracted to people? I find both men and women attractive but I have no desire right now to have a sexual relationship with either gender. Maybe I'll meet someone and we'll just click but to be honest can I find all that I want in one person? I'd like to think that if I find someone then they'll be everything I need, then again I'm hardly a good catch, a neurotic crossdresser with intimacy and trust issues, I'm hardly anyone's Miss Right. Yeah I do see myself as more female than male, but I think I'd rather not bother with all that groin business on the whole. I'm not looking and if anyone found me they'd probably throw me back until I sort myself out and find a way to be me.
Ok paid my fuel bill today, what a day for them to request my meter readings too! I'm still in credit but I've really been hitting the gas a lot, sometimes when I probably didn't need to, so I'll have to cut down on that a bit and only use it when I really have to.
The Culture of Coming Out
There seems to be a lot of emphasis put on the big reveal, the need for acceptance and approval. I'm glad for those who get what they want/need but I don't really care about getting a cathartic melodrama moment, that's what it would be for me, maybe it's my remotness or aloofness but the need to be accepted by others is just not high on my personal list of wants. I'd rather have those chunky 2" heeled black patent leather court shoes I have my eyes on, I'd rather pay less money for petrol for my car, I'd rather drop 20lbs, they're more important things in my life right now. Maybe this is all one big justification for staying in the closet? Probably, I'm not in a place in my life where I feel ready to be myself, I'm still not sure who I am sometimes to be myself. All I know is I'm happier wearing make up, wearing skirts and heels, they make me feel more normal, less uncomfortable, more like me, whoever she is.
If I Was Your Vampire
It just had to be done, the opening lyric is 6am Christmas Morning...
I'm so looking forward to Marilyn Manson's next album, they went off the rails a bit after Twiggy left but he's back now and I hope it's as beautiful as Mechanical Animals
I'm so looking forward to Marilyn Manson's next album, they went off the rails a bit after Twiggy left but he's back now and I hope it's as beautiful as Mechanical Animals
Currently Reading
The Truth by Terry Pratchett
It's one of the few 'stand alone' stories in the Discworld series, well I say stand alone, there's a lot in it that relies heavily on knowledge of previous books, but the main protagonist William de Worde is new and has only reappeared once in a subsequent book in a cameo. I'm only 1/6 into it so far and it's a bit heavy going, there's a lot of exposition given to explain the current political situation of Ankh-Morpork which is quite unnecessary for a long term fan but vital for any casual readers. Also the antagonists are pretty rubbish to be honest, they're pastiches of Cockney villains and bad ones at that. Bricktop from Snatch would make mincemeat of them in seconds and then feed them to his pigs. That said Terry has a wonderful style and could probably write the most interesting telephone book ever, which might sound like a back handed compliment but it's not meant as such.
It's one of the few 'stand alone' stories in the Discworld series, well I say stand alone, there's a lot in it that relies heavily on knowledge of previous books, but the main protagonist William de Worde is new and has only reappeared once in a subsequent book in a cameo. I'm only 1/6 into it so far and it's a bit heavy going, there's a lot of exposition given to explain the current political situation of Ankh-Morpork which is quite unnecessary for a long term fan but vital for any casual readers. Also the antagonists are pretty rubbish to be honest, they're pastiches of Cockney villains and bad ones at that. Bricktop from Snatch would make mincemeat of them in seconds and then feed them to his pigs. That said Terry has a wonderful style and could probably write the most interesting telephone book ever, which might sound like a back handed compliment but it's not meant as such.
24 - Day 6
Ok this one was dripping with all my favourite man totty. First up there's Alexander Siddig (aka Dr Bashir from DS9), then there's Michael Shanks (aka Dr. Jackson from Stargate) and the main guy himself Kiefer who shou;d have left that slapper Audrey for me in Day 5 ;) Seriously though it was a pretty good storyline which I pretty much followed non-stop for the last couple of days. The only quibble I have is the story structure, they seemed to have their big event in the 4th episode instead of saving it for nearer the end. Setting off a nuke was such a big wow they just totally failed to come close to sheer danger again, it all seemed too safe afterwards. Anyway now Jack's freed of his past, I can't wait for Day 7...
2.50 am and all's well. I am totally insomnia chick this week. I'm totally tired during the day and wide awake at night, can I have turned into a vampire without knowing it? Anyway it's Crimbo, the traditional time for binge drinking, tottering about town in ridiculous shoes, a miniskirt that's smaller than my belt and a blouse more see through than a window. Although I think I'll give that a miss this year, best save it for the New Year I think. So Crissy Day, a time for prezzies, fun and helping Mum make the dinner, it's going to be a low key day this year, my brother and his wife are away, my elderly grandfather is too frail to leave the house and my cousin and his girlfriend are going to sunny Florida tomorrow. I wish I was going to Florida, I'd have my bikini line waxed quicker than you can say incredible pain. Anyway, what is Christmas, it's a hijacked pagan ceremony that's been riddled by gross over commecialisation, I must go shopping tomorrow to get some clothes in the sales. I'm a total commercial whore, I'd sell my soul for a wardrobe full of designer dresses (and the figure to pull them off fully).
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Sonic Lipstick
Ok so I'm a big fan of The Sarah Jane Adventures, SJ wears some fab outfits this season, I'm more than tempted to try and recreate a couple of them next year, she's got such style and a tremendous sense of poise and Liz Sladen carries herself with such elegence and poise, she's a rolemodel any CD could look up to.
crimbo telly
There's so not a lot on this year, Doctor Who will probably be the only thing I watch, I so adore David Tennant and I'd want to have his babies (like half the femme population of the world seemingly does) if i had a uterus of course, which I don't, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans. There's My Family & Have I Got News For You on tonight but I'm probably going to have an early night to be honest. I really wish I had a girlfriend or a boyfriend to sleep with tonight. I'm bi, but that's a whole different post I won't bother you with right now. Anyway it's not about sex, it's about intimacy, romance, tenderness, connecting, sharing. If I did find someone I doubt they'd stay I'm way too neurotic to let them get interested in staying. So anyway, telly, nothing much on, I'll probably watch a DVD or two. Maybe Judge Dredd, I so want to wear a Judge Hershey uniform ;) Getting back to telly again, why has it been so crap this year? Far too much rubbish talentless contests and not enough drama. Next year looks good, Torchwood, Primeval, Robin Hood, The Prisoner, maybe another season of Survivors. I really liked this show, much better than the original, although it sometimes comes across as a little too superficial at times and quite frankly half the characetrs are just unlikable. I wonder where Anya gets her clothes from? I'd steal them if we were the same size ;)
seperates vs. dresses
Ok I pretty much prefer the versatility of seperates to the simplicity of a dress, I have tons of stuff I can have endless nightmarish fun going through trying to find the perfect combination for the day. On the other hand there's a time just to say sod it and throw a dress on and vamp it up big style. Skirts are good functional items, stylish and feminine but also utilitarian as they serve a function as much as style. Dresses exist pretty much to show off the curves and flaunt style and sophistication. So is there a point to this thread? Is there a point to any thread? I don't think so, both are equally valid choices, each perfect for the situation which require their use. Right now I'm ditched my thousers for a skirt (ok there was a food spill event and my laundry hamper got involved) and I gotta say I love wearing skirts, there isn't nothing sexier and femine than strutting about the place in a skirt and letting everyone see my pins and yet I remain demure and businesslike, I could meet people right now and I wouldn't feel underdressed. That said tomorrow I'm going to throw on a dress because that's what I want to do. Man, I love feeling like a woman (even if I have to look like a man occassionally).
new e-mail addy
ok, I've got a new e-mail addy sissychiana@sissyemail.com, feel free to drop me a line, although I'm not always online, today is Christmas Eve so I'm online all of today, tomorrow not so much.
Christmas Eve
Ok, so it's the day before the big day, but the main question is what am I wearing? Right now I'm wearing a simple white blouse (which I got from Lidl a couple of months ago, it's the one in my profile picture), navy blue lambswool cardigan (M&S), navy blue pure cotton cargo trousers (also M&S)
ok so I have like a million different pairs of shoes, most of them boring dull comfy trainers and a few sexy totally impractical pairs of stiletto heels. I love my heels, if they didn't cause long term damage to my feet I'd wear them all the time. However they do cause damage hence the boring dull comfy trainers to keep my feet good and well in between tottering on my pins around like a sad old tart.
The usual stuff about who i am and why I'm trying to justify myself to everyone. I could go on at great depth about my needs but life's too short, so let's just party! I'm me, you're you, why bother with labels, pigeonholes and stuff like that?
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