Saturday 24 January 2009

at work

today! 4 hours sleep last night too!

Friday 23 January 2009

are you a frog eater?

Up to one billion frogs are taken from the wild for human consumption each year, according to a new study. Researchers arrived at this conclusion by analysing UN trade data, although they acknowledge there is a lot of uncertainty in the figure. I've never eaten a frog and I never will, I'd rather have a nice green-leaf salad or a home-made veggie curry :)

doctor who casting news!

The BBC has confirmed that both Michelle Ryan (Zoe in EastEnders) and Lee Evans (unfunny comedian turned actor) will guest star in the forthcoming Doctor Who Easter Special which began filming earlier this week in Wales.

another cool day

not even sitting next to the radiator is really warming me up and I felt really poorly last night at work but I did get ten hours sleep last night :)

Thursday 22 January 2009

re-swearing in!

Barack Obama had to be sworn in twice as president, because a word was out of place during his first hand of a book live event!

exo-space ordered

As I've been careful with my cash all month I've ordered the e-space boxset for myself :)

Wednesday 21 January 2009


I found this fab fake news headline generator on the net :) It takes a rise out of one of the most offensive right wing propagana tools published in the uk.

Bought a new dress :)

My third (I so need to buy more for summer!) it's black, 48" long and has long sleeves unlike my other two which are sleeveless.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

ordered Little Britain USA on DVD

I liked the US series, but only saw 3 eps on the telly so can now see the 3 I missed and all the bonus features too :)

bad tummy

again :( I haven't eaten anything that wasn't well cooked though :(

Monday 19 January 2009

You can go on holiday by mistake!

At Uncle Monty's Cottage, if you buy it at auction next month of course. Maybe Withnail & I stars Paul McGann, Richard E. Grant & Richard Griffiths could club together to buy it?

got post

The new Doctor Who christmas special DVD 'The Next Doctor' that'll be good to watch this afternoon :)
also Doctor Who: The Prisoner's Dilemma audio book and my red clover pills too :)

more snow due!

Tomorrow and wednesday. I just hope it's not too severe.

Am I the only good driver?

It seems that everytime i go out everyone else can't drive! People refuse to use the indicator when they need to, they cut corners and nearly smash into oncoming cars, they seem to speed up and aim at pedestrians, they also speed right up to my back bumper and tailgate me every single time I go out in the car! Especially when it's raining or snowing! What the heck is up with these people? Are they sociopaths? Do they need to try to kill others to give their own lives meaning? The worst are the ones who start to overtake you then stop! I just know if they tried to kill me I'd be the one they'd blame for causing the accident!

Sunday 18 January 2009


and I've deleted Second Life from my PC as it's complete rubbish!

Second Life

I've signed up as Amber Moorsider :)

Tony Hart RIP

He was such a huge influence when I was a kid, Take Hart was compulsory viewing. He and Rolf Harris made painting fun and enjoyable to watch and do.

MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown