Monday 9 March 2009

'Allo 'Allo Marathon - Part 1

The British Are Coming - The opening pilot episode, I remember watching this when it was first broadcast, I'd be 9 at the time! This episode sets everything up, life in occupied France, the crooked German officers, the de gaulle resistance helping crashed British airmen escape and the Gestapo looking for an important picture to add to Hitler's collection of stolen art treasures. Despite all this there's plenty of room for comedy, much of it revolving around the staff of Cafe Rene.

The Fallen Madonna - The series proper takes up where the pilot left off, with Rene trying to get rid of the airmen and the German officers hiding their stolen art treasures in Rene's cafe so the Gestapo can't find them. There is much hilarity about suicide rings and making a rope out of bed sheets.

Pigeon Post - The airmen escape as German officers but are captured by the communist resistance! The big laugh in this episode is Gestapo officer Otto Flick in drag, which shows the BBC's attitude towards such things, after turning gay officer Gruber into a one-note cliche.

Saville Row to the Rescue - The main revelation here is that Helga may in fact be Jewish (she utters oy vey in surprise and then quickly covers it up)! Alas this is not built upon in the series and seems to be forgotten. The main joke in this episode revolves around bols gin, which is blue - just like nitro gylcerine...leading to a drunk old woman, exploding hens and a destroyed railway line...

The Execution - Rene is captured and interrogated by guest Nazi General Eric von Klinkerhoffen and sentanced to death. Luckily the Colonel comes up with a plan to save Rene, using wooden bullets to fake his death. Things nearly go wrong but Rene survives his own death.

The Funeral - Rene is forced to impersonate his own twin brother in an attempt to have some sort of life, however things nearly go wrong when Rene has to pretend to be dead so the funeral director M Alfonse can measure him up for his coffin. Things really go wrong however when he hides anti-tank mines in the coffin for the Resistance and they expode during the funeral!

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MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown