Saturday 28 March 2009

Monty Mini Marathon 1

The Meaning of Life
Not as bad as its rep suggests but not the best film either. It's more like ther series of old, but with a strange very dark humour running through it and some really weird songs that add to the feeling of the macare oh and Simon Jones (of The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy - the proper telly one) is in it too.

And Now For Something Completely Different
Purporting to be the best of the first two seasons it never the less misses out a few of my favourites but you can't have everything, although i wouldn't mind Eric Idle's guidance councellor having me...

The Holy Grail
Not a bad film that showcases the best team en semble and individually, it never the less feels sketch showy at times, but nothig nearly like the previous two films...

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