Tuesday 24 February 2009

Red Dwarf Marathon pt. 4

Polymorph 10/10 - The ultimate Red Dwarf episode, not one gag fails, not one flat moment, it's all laughs and screams as the crew are terrorised and attacked one by one until there's only one chance left: let's get out there and twat it!

Bodyswap 5/10 - It should be funny but a lot of it just doesn't work. Rimmer as Lister and Lister as Rimmer somehow just doesn't get going as a concept.

Timeslides 7/10 - This is a pretty funny episode that shows us young Rimmer in the flesh, after seeing a brief family video in Polymorph. We get to see his brother Frank too, and even Adolph Hitler, but it just never quite manages to make it all work.

The Last Day 9/10 - A wonderful character piece that lets the characters bare their souls and have fun at the same time. Rimmer's french kiss story will sicken anyone who's alive and Lister's abandonment story really pulls the heart strings.

Camille 4/10 - A bad remake of Casablanca, the only enjoyable part was the fruit gag at the start, its all downhill from there.

DNA 5/10 - Apart from the brief scare moment there's not a lot to enjoy. Kryten as a human is an ok concept but nothing really comes of it excape the unseen poleroids.

Justice 6/10 - An interesting story that seems to want to do something good but it never quite happens. Things start to happen but never get completed. The ending is a relief quite frankly. The high score is for Rimmer's trial and Lister trying to burn a blanket.

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