Thursday, 26 February 2009

Red Dwarf Marathon pt. 5

White Hole 9/10 - A superb story, it starts off with one idea, about making Holly smarter and effortlessly transitions into a much wider and more interesting one about playing pool with planets to repair the space-time continuum. The series has really evolved beyond its early ship-bound character-orientated beginnings into a wonderfully comedic space saga.

Dimension Jump 10/10 - Ace Rimmer - what a guy and how jealous am I of Mellie? There's so little time for things too because once things are over they're over, there's not one dull moment in the story, it doesn't allow you to get bored with any flat bits in the script as they've all been replaced by gags or character moments.

Meltdown 8/10 - Another great story and a great way to round off the 4th season. Rimmer gets the chance to live his dream as a great military leader and although he does win he also wipes out his own side too! The Caligula interrogation scene is a riot as he keeps slapping Lister when Cat speaks, much to Lister's chargrin. Also the celebrity impersonators actually look like who they're supposed to be, which isn't always the case in some shows.

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