Friday 13 February 2009

Home Office Boss in fiddle?

Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, was under fire last week for claiming thousands of pounds of Commons expenses for her family house by listing it as her ‘second home’, while effectively lodging with her sister. Ms Smith is able to claim the maximum £24,006 a year in taxpayer funded allowances for her £300,000 property in the West Midlands because she lists her ‘main home’ as a London property owned by her sister, where she says she spends the bulk of her time. Campaigners told the Mail on Sunday that her claims, of £116,000 over several years, were “morally questionable”. The Home Secretary insisted she had done nothing wrong and her expenses claims were in line with Commons regulations. “The Home Secretary has always abided fully with Parliament’s clear rules on expenses and has long-standing written approval from the Parliamentary Fees office for any agreed expenses,” a spokesperson said.

Another labour party sleeze scandal, wether she's innocent or guilty it doesn't look good when she's the de facto head of the police, it looks bad...

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