Wednesday 11 February 2009

Pink Knickers in Protest!

Indians outraged at an attack on women for drinking in a bar have gathered together to send a provocative gift of underwear to right-wing activists. More than 5,000 people, including men, have joined the Facebook group, which calls itself the Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women. The group says it will give the pink underwear to Sri Ram Sena (Army of Lord Ram) on Valentine's Day on Saturday.

This is an evil that must be fought and what better way to fight rigid male inflexibility than confronting it with soft seductive female sexuality? It's too late for my pink knickers to arrive there now but I'll be wearing them on Saturday in support the rights of women to have fun :)

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Thank you for your comments, my secretary will now lose them in the in-tray for a few hours before finding them again and passing them to me.

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