Saturday 14 February 2009

Red Dwarf Marathon pt1

I've decided to rewatch all the Red Dwarfs before the news eps air in Easter. Last night I watched 4 eps of RDI :)

The End - 5/10 It sets everything up, establishes the characters and the situation of Dave Lister being the last known human in the universe along with Rimmer, Cat and Holly to keep him company (and sane).

Future Echoes - 6/10 it adds to the back story somewhat, saying more about the characters and also adds a possible future for Dave when he sees himself as a very old man still living on the ship.

Balance of Power - 7/10 it adds even more about the characters and is fuelled by Lister's dislike of Rimmer, there's also a brief flashback scene where we see the characters at a disco (very possibly George MacIntyre's welcome back disco) and Rimmer's brief sex change to impersonate Kochanski takes a very bizarre turn when he's left with one of her breasts!

Waiting for God - 4/10 more of a Cat episode I just don't think it all quite works somehow. It's very much a resolution of Lister as Cloister from the first episode and no-more is said about it later. The old Cat Priest is very well acted though (even though he didn't have a clue what was going on when he was filming his scenes!)

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