Saturday 21 March 2009

'Allo 'Allo Marathon Part 12

Up the Crick Without a Piddle, The Gestapo Ruins a Picnic, The Spirit of Nouvion, Leg it to Spain!, Prior Engagements, Soup and Sausage, René of the Gypsies, A Bun in the Oven & Arousing Suspicions

Rene & Edith end up in England and meet Hans who is now working for the British army! They return to France and get caught up in various things like the German propaganda newspaper, the escape of the British airmen (which fails again) before a sudden jump forward 2 years in time. This plot device is the beginning of the end for the series as it takes them from the middle of occupied France towards the time of the liberation. Yvette thinks she is pregnant too and Rene is the father!

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