Sunday 15 March 2009

'Allo 'Allo Marathon Part 7

it's getting more like a soap opera now with plots lasting over several episodesinstead of being self contained, so I'm just going to do one quick review for the eps I watched yesterday... Dinner with the General, The Dreaded Circular Saw, Otherwise Engaged, A Marriage of Inconvenience, No Hiding Place, The Arrival of the Homing Duck & Watch the Birdie. The town is preparing for a high level meeting between top German generals to plan the invasion of Britain, however the Gestapo believes they are meeting to plan the assassination of Hitler! The Resistance plan to infiltrate the meeting and obtain photographs of the plans. Meanwhile Rene is captured by the communist resistance and it is revealed he once had a love affair with their leader when they were younger. Rene is forced to marry Denise but Edith substitutes herself for her, but Yvette and Mimi substitute the real priest for Crabtree so the wedding is not legal. This earns them the wrath of the communists and the swear revenge. The airmen meanwhile try to give themselves up but the Germans believe they are french peasants being cheeky! It's all rather slow going but steady as the plot advances slowly and with much complication.

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