Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Attack of the Cybermen

A fun 80's stroll down memory lane, or rather Totters Lane, as the TARDIS retuns to the site of its very first location, the junk yard at 23 Totters Lane, listed as Susan Foreman's place of residence which turned out to be where she and her grandfather hid the TARDIS. Flashforward 22 years relative time and the 6th Doctor and Peri return drawn by a signal to discover old foes and very old foes at work, in a complex plot involving Cybermen, Cryons, time travel and changing history. The Doctor barely manages to survive and only does so thanks to the help of former adversary Lytton (last seen in Resurrectiuon of the Daleks) who dies to save the time lord and thus complete his mission to protect the Cryons from being destroyed (along with their home planet Telos) by the Cybermen. The script mixes story strands from The Tenth Planet, The Tomb of the Cybermen with Resurrection of the Daleks and 100,000 BC (wrongly called An Unearthly Child to this day by the BBC). This story is not perfect but it's not bad either, certainly an enjoyable way to spend an evening and the commentary is pretty interesting too as the cast chat about their memories of the story and their fellow cast members.

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