Friday 6 March 2009

Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

The 2 part finale of season 1 of Doctor Who couldn't have started more light heartedly. With the Doctor inside the Big Brother house! Rose gets involved in The Weakest Link and then Captain Jack gets naked in front of billions of viewers (except sadly not any of the Doctor Who viewers). However things take a turn for the worse as it become apparent that game contestants are being murdered for the entertainment of the viewing audience. The shock revelation of the Dalek fleet and the Doctor's promise to rescue Rose and defeat the Daleks is perhaps the coolest moment of the year. The second part delivers on the first part Doctor's promise as he quickly rescues Rose and Jack kills a Dalek in the process. The Daleks attack and start massacaring everyone and the Doctor finds he cannot bring himself to annihilate his enemies. It's up to Rose to defeat them with the power of the universe inside of her head she turns the Daleks to dust and even brings Captain Jack back to life. The Doctor saves Rose but at the cost of his own life and Rose is forced to watch the Doctor burn with the fires of regeneration leaving a new man in the TARDIS, a new Doctor...

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