Sunday 1 March 2009

Red Dwarf Marathon pt. 7

Psirens 7/10 - A reboot to the series with the action moved out of Red Dwarf entirely and now located on the much smaller and claustrophobic Starbug, although it has some new sets and a complete redesign to compensate. The brief return of Kochanski is as nothing to the sight of Lister french kissing a Psiren!

Legion 7/10 - Another by-the-book story, the minimal plot is hidden behind a great new innovation: Rimmer's new hardlight body. He quickly becomes the butt of some very physical food gags, ie he's platsered with food!

Gunmen of the Apocalypse 8/10 - It won an Emmy but it's not the best episode ever made, that said it's not awful either, it's really enjoyable but somehow all the disperate elements feel too forced together and the story never quite knows what it wants to be about.

Emohawk - Polymorph II 9/10 - A triple sequel! There's the sequel to the classic episode Polymorph, A return of Ace Rimmer from Dimension Jump and Duane Dibbley from Back to Reality. The stuff with the GELF's almost seem superfulous as the action is set mostly in Starbug. Ace's plan to kill himself and Duane to save Lister & Kryten is very funny too in a horrifying sort of way.

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