Saturday 7 March 2009

The Rescue

This is a meek (by Doctor Who standards) 2 parter which basically retools the show after Susan left and was replaced by a substitute grandaughter figure in the form of Vicki. Its meeksness is also its strength as the show expses the very core of the show, a wandering time traveller comes across a bad situation and tries to make it better. In this case it's orphaned Vicki who's menaced by the nefarious Koquillion while she has to look after the wounded Bennett. She meets Barbara, then Ian and the Doctor and slowly comes to trust them despite a few false starts. The Doctor deduces the truth about Koquillion and he's consigned to a grisly ending before the Doctor offers Vicki a lift around the universe. Vicki jumps at the chance and so the TARDis leaves with a new teenage girl on board to get them into danger and mayhem in the future. It's a wonderfully written character piece that shows us who the three existing main characters are again while also showing us the new girl and letting us see her strengths and weaknesses. So it's good that the story's plot does not overshadow this too much otherwise the whole purpose of the story would have been wasted. Perhaps not the first choice of the action/adventure fan its still a good story especially if you prefer drama with a theatrical bent. This is one story that would easily adapt well as a stage play, throw in a few songs by Elton John and you could have a smash hit musical!

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