Friday 6 March 2009

Red Dwarf Marathon pt. 12

all good things...well until Easter anyway...

Pete (Feature Length Version) 3/10 - It's a mishmas of about ten small ideas thrown together and sellotaped together to try and pretend to be an episode but the mess just doesn't work. The individual bits are good but the whole is not greater than the sum of its parts and the shambling monstocity is best forgotten. The Prisoners vs. Guards basketball match is the highlight of the episode and it occurs near the start so it gives you an idea how bad I thought the rest of the episode is.

Only The Good... 9/10 - Finally they manage to do something fresh and new with the new format and it's to get rid of it! The crew abandon Red Dwarf in droves and Rimmer goes to a mirror universe to find a cure to a virus that's eating the ship but ultimatley fails but the best bit is when he knees death in the groin! The rest of the episode is a delight too, the period gags Lister has Kryten play on Kochanski are outrageously funny. Kryten's revenge is good too and Cat trying to get himself hospitalised is brilliant. Why couldn't they write more episodes like this?

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