Monday 2 March 2009

Red Dwarf Marathon pt. 8

Rimmerworld 6/10 - It's got some great gags in it but everything between the funnies is rather plain and quite dull. The first clone of Rimmer is quite funny to watch (and with a yummy bum) but just not really gripping.

Out of Time 8/10 - Much more funny as first we're led to think Lister is a robot, then things get really strange! Then the older versions of the crew turn up and Lister is doing a cool Morbius impression. Then the ending's upon us with all its shocking glory. Still it has its faults, if anythign the story could do with a longer run time to properly explore the unreality bubbles more, to really go into the time paradox in greater detail and also to give Rimmer's rare heroics just a little extra oomph because it's so rare.

Tikka to Ride 7/10 - The extended version is much better imo because the original story just lacked a few things, like a beginning and an end. Here we have a glorious CGI intro showing Starbug in deepest space. The actual story is quite interesting but not especially so with too much time spent wandering about doing very little, but its for a reason as it builds up to the cannibal scene. I don't know why Cat's so worried, as he's not human so it's ok for him to dine on BBQ human.

Identity Within 5/10 - Despite it being abily performed by Chris Barrie this lost episode is not exactly the world's greatest story. There's much of it that's quite boring and even unfunny. Perhaps much of it would have been ironed out with a final redraft before it was made but it was passed over because it was too epic, apparently. Cat as the central figure is a great idea but he deserves a story that really lets him grow and stretch his character, here he's usued as the comedy sidekick when he's supposed to be the hero!

Stoke Me A Clipper... 9/10 - Ace is back and he's more Bond than ever! What a guy! The idea that 'our' Rimmer could replace Ace is brilliant. Rimmer trying to imitate Ace is just hilarious as he really fails to carry it off with any conviction. But in the end he decides to give it a go anyway, although given how many Ace's had died since they last met that may not be a wise move.

Ouroboros 9/10 - Rimmer's gone but Kochanski's back! Sporting a new face and taste in clothes she reenters Dave's life like a pain in the tooth. It's a great story that really sets up the character dynamics for the rest of the season. Lister loves Kris. Kryten's totally jealous. Kris despises everyone and Cat likes Kris more than Rimmer but not as much as Lister. The alternate Lister is pretty cool but rather timid, I have no idea what Kochanski sees in him, I prefer alternate Cat he's much more handsome.

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