Thursday 25 December 2008

24 - Day 6

Ok this one was dripping with all my favourite man totty. First up there's Alexander Siddig (aka Dr Bashir from DS9), then there's Michael Shanks (aka Dr. Jackson from Stargate) and the main guy himself Kiefer who shou;d have left that slapper Audrey for me in Day 5 ;) Seriously though it was a pretty good storyline which I pretty much followed non-stop for the last couple of days. The only quibble I have is the story structure, they seemed to have their big event in the 4th episode instead of saving it for nearer the end. Setting off a nuke was such a big wow they just totally failed to come close to sheer danger again, it all seemed too safe afterwards. Anyway now Jack's freed of his past, I can't wait for Day 7...

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