Thursday 25 December 2008

The Culture of Coming Out

There seems to be a lot of emphasis put on the big reveal, the need for acceptance and approval. I'm glad for those who get what they want/need but I don't really care about getting a cathartic melodrama moment, that's what it would be for me, maybe it's my remotness or aloofness but the need to be accepted by others is just not high on my personal list of wants. I'd rather have those chunky 2" heeled black patent leather court shoes I have my eyes on, I'd rather pay less money for petrol for my car, I'd rather drop 20lbs, they're more important things in my life right now. Maybe this is all one big justification for staying in the closet? Probably, I'm not in a place in my life where I feel ready to be myself, I'm still not sure who I am sometimes to be myself. All I know is I'm happier wearing make up, wearing skirts and heels, they make me feel more normal, less uncomfortable, more like me, whoever she is.

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