Thursday 25 December 2008

Currently Reading

The Truth by Terry Pratchett
It's one of the few 'stand alone' stories in the Discworld series, well I say stand alone, there's a lot in it that relies heavily on knowledge of previous books, but the main protagonist William de Worde is new and has only reappeared once in a subsequent book in a cameo. I'm only 1/6 into it so far and it's a bit heavy going, there's a lot of exposition given to explain the current political situation of Ankh-Morpork which is quite unnecessary for a long term fan but vital for any casual readers. Also the antagonists are pretty rubbish to be honest, they're pastiches of Cockney villains and bad ones at that. Bricktop from Snatch would make mincemeat of them in seconds and then feed them to his pigs. That said Terry has a wonderful style and could probably write the most interesting telephone book ever, which might sound like a back handed compliment but it's not meant as such.

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