Wednesday 24 December 2008

crimbo telly

There's so not a lot on this year, Doctor Who will probably be the only thing I watch, I so adore David Tennant and I'd want to have his babies (like half the femme population of the world seemingly does) if i had a uterus of course, which I don't, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans. There's My Family & Have I Got News For You on tonight but I'm probably going to have an early night to be honest. I really wish I had a girlfriend or a boyfriend to sleep with tonight. I'm bi, but that's a whole different post I won't bother you with right now. Anyway it's not about sex, it's about intimacy, romance, tenderness, connecting, sharing. If I did find someone I doubt they'd stay I'm way too neurotic to let them get interested in staying. So anyway, telly, nothing much on, I'll probably watch a DVD or two. Maybe Judge Dredd, I so want to wear a Judge Hershey uniform ;) Getting back to telly again, why has it been so crap this year? Far too much rubbish talentless contests and not enough drama. Next year looks good, Torchwood, Primeval, Robin Hood, The Prisoner, maybe another season of Survivors. I really liked this show, much better than the original, although it sometimes comes across as a little too superficial at times and quite frankly half the characetrs are just unlikable. I wonder where Anya gets her clothes from? I'd steal them if we were the same size ;)

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