Friday 26 December 2008


I admit it I have trust issues dating way back to when I was betrayed by a former gf, looking back I should have seen the signs but like a gullible fool I ignored them. That and other things over the years have made me really suspicious of other people, apart from close family and friends I tend to view the rest of the world as 6 billion people who don't care about me. While most of them won't care one way or the other, I'm certainly no Michelle Pfieffer or Britney Spears so I guess it's understandable that I'm equally as aloof. Another thing I tend to over-compliment but I really don't like others doing the same to me, I know I shouldn't it's a real double standard. I'm also highly suspicious of meeting new people for the first time, not least because they might discover I'm a crossdresser and bisexual. I worry that people are just plain out to get me, from doorstep chuggers demanding my bank details to fake charity collection appeals (you can tell they're fake because they have a registered business number rather than a registered charity number!) and then there's the e-mail scammers who pretend to be banks asking for your details so they can drain your accounts, or people pretending to be lawyers representing dead clients asking for your bank details so they can give you money via the net. Are there actually any people out there who can be trusted? I want to think so but sometimes I worry there's actually not :(

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