Monday 29 December 2008

Battlefield: The Special Edition

After the special editions of The Five Doctors and The Curse of Fenric comes Battlefield. A mix of high drama and sword and sorcery comedy fantasy. There's an evil queen and even a demonic monster too. The Doctor and Ace meet up with an old friend from the Doctor's UNIT days, the Brigadier! Of course the meeting is hel bac until the start of the 3rd episode, but when the cliffhangers have been removed to make it one movie-length story it just seems like too long a wait. The final showdowns are good, all three of them. First up there's the Doctor vs. Morgaine & The Destroyer, then there's The Brigadier vs. The Destroyer and finally The Doctor vs. Morgaine. The final scene is cool though with Ace, Shou Yuing, Winifred and Doris going for a girls day out in Bessie, the Doctor's souped-up yellow car. It's a good story but the whizzy special effects are a lot more subtle and sparse than the previous two special editions.

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