Tuesday 30 December 2008

Goblet of Fire

Just been watching the movie (yet again) I must have seen it about 15 times now, it's one of the better films in the series, it really sets events into motion that play out for the rest of the series. Voldemort is back and he's badder than ever. Harry experiences the death of a friend and this loss haunts him for a long time. His friendship with Ron nearly breaks and comes to an end but it is remade all the stronger, until Deathly Hallows tests it even more of course. Harry undergoes all sorts of tests of his character, his skills and his courage and he's all the stronger for it as proved in Order of the Phoenix when he assumes the role of DADA teacher in secret. Goblet of Fire sees the end of Harry's childhood in a way, from this story on he starts to mature rapidly into an adult. It's a painful time but a necessary one.

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