Sunday 28 December 2008

Four to Doomsday

Peter Davison's first story (production wise) and it's a simple story to get him used to playing the Doctor and the commentary is just hilarious as he and his fellow stars rip into everything, most of it justified too. The story is quite simple, a variant of the mad scientist, this one wants to travel faster than light, go back in time to before the big bang where he'll meet himself because he's god! Honestly! The Doctor is resplendant in his crickety cricket gear and decorative vegetable, and Adric, Nyssa and Tegan also have their costumes on too. I say costumes because that's what they are. They're not remotely like real clothes, they look like they've stepped out of four different theatre plays onto the set of a sci-fi b movie. Still it could be worse, they at least have a half decent set for once and some good mood lighting. One of the better designed and directed stories of the era imo, but it never gets past the simplicity of the script.

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