Tuesday 30 December 2008

Sparknotes Test

It all adds up... we feel 56% certain that you are...A Woman!
100% more male than you — 0% like you — 0% more female than you
How do we know? Well, deep down, your gender affects everything about you, from your favorite number to your views on Canada. Many women who took the test think and act just like you, as you can see from the graph above.
Statistically speaking, you are a woman—whether you know it or not.

That's all good and well because I do feel more feminine than masculine but it's hardly a case to spend £20k getting a groin reconfiguration, although I'd like one there's no way i can ever afford one so I just have to make do with being wrong down there and anyway even when I get my vagina the rest of me can hardly pass so what's the point? Gender shouldn't be compulsory from birth it should be optional when you're old enough to know what you want to be.

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