Monday 29 December 2008

washing clothes

Yesterday and today have been taken up by doing laundry. First up were my dark clothes, two skirts, t-shirts, tops and socks mainly with a few dark pairs of knickers too. The problem is it's too cold to put anything out on the line so I have to use the tumble dryer too and certain tops just will not dry in it no matter how long I put them in it. Whites were next, mainly knickers with a few t-shirts. I hand wash my bras so they don't really count here. Then it was 1/2 my old bedding, and a few stray socks and knickers and now I have my last load in drying, the other half of the bedding, a couple of pink skirts and a couple of socks that didn't quite get dry before. I have my damp top stuck over the radiator hoping it'll dry it off somehow. During the summer I tend to do washing every other day but in the winter I tend to get lazy and leave it to build up a bit before I force myself to do it. Tomorrow I have a pile of ironing the size of Everest to do but I'll get through it, otherwise I can't wear my favourite skirt for New Years Eve.

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